Tooth Fissure Sealant

The application of fissure sealants is a safe and painless procedure and relatively quick. They can help to preserve teeth and prevent tooth decay when used alongside a thorough oral hygiene regime and regular dentist check-ups. Tooth fissure sealant is generally used for children aged six and over, but in some cases by also be suitable for adults.

What is a fissure sealant?

Everyone’s teeth will have grooves and pits, which are called fissures. Sometimes, food can get caught in these fissures and can cause tooth decay. Fissure sealant is a protective layer that will be applied to the teeth to stop food from getting stuck in the grooves, and so can help to prevent tooth decay.

At Beresford Dental Clinic, our expert dentists are able to apply sealant safely and efficiently. The fissure sealant procedure will go as follows:

  • First, the teeth that need sealing will be identified. These are usually the back teeth, the molars and premolars. Some of them have naturally deep grooves that will benefit from fissure sealants.
  • Each tooth will be given a thorough cleaning and then be dried.
  • The tooth is then prepared with a mild solution to make it easy for the sealant to stick.
  • The fissure sealant is applied and set with a beam of light.
  • The bite will be checked and any extra sealant will be removed.

What is the aim of the fissure sealant procedure?

Fissure sealant application is necessary to preserve the integrity of your child’s permanent teeth. As soon as your child starts having permanent back teeth, which usually occurs between six and seven years, it is recommended that sealants be applied to the deep grooves to prevent decay and cavity formation.

However, while fissure sealants will help prevent tooth decay, your child must continue practicing proper oral hygiene. Regular brushing and flossing will remove any food stuck in between teeth.

Fissure sealant vs filling – what’s the difference?

The difference between tooth fissure sealant and fillings is that sealant is a preventative treatment. It will be used in order to prevent tooth decay and to prolong the life of teeth.

Fillings, on the other hand, are used as a restorative treatment. Fillings will be required when a cavity has already occurred in a tooth, and a hole will need to be filled.  Read our page about our fillings and natural teeth restoration treatments.

Are fissure sealants safe?

Fissure sealants are completely safe – there are no risks involved. The procedure itself is quick and non-invasive, with no need for anesthetic. The one potential issue is that if the fissure sealant becomes worn down, food could get stuck underneath it, which could cause tooth decay. However, with regular visits to the dentist, they can check the condition of the sealant and ensure it is always in good condition.

Do fissure sealants hurt?

No – tooth fissure sealants are completely pain-free. The process usually takes only a few minutes per tooth and is totally non-invasive, with the sealant just being applied to the surface of the tooth.

How long does fissure sealant last?

Tooth fissure sealant typically lasts for many years. It should be checked regularly to ensure the sealant is intact, which can be done at your regular dentist check-ups.

Over time, the sealant can wear down through chewing. In this case, it may require a top-up or complete replacement, to ensure that decay can’t build up underneath it.

Tooth fissure sealant at Beresford Dental Clinic

The experienced team at Beresford Dental Clinic are able to professionally and safely apply fissure sealant when it is required to help prevent tooth decay. Our aim is to create a comfortable environment for you and your child, so you can enjoy a stress-free dental experience.

To find out more about our tooth fissure sealant treatment, contact us using the below form.

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